Experts in Problem-Solving

Development of scalable and customized web applications with excellent performance in critical scenarios.


Implemented solutions

Experts in Problem-Solving

Experts in Problem-Solving

Development of scalable and customized web applications with excellent performance in critical scenarios.


Implemented solutions


Solutions in several programming languages

Get in touch and tell us: What are your needs?
  • PHP Moderno


    Upgrade of legacy PHP systems and performance improvements

  • Laravel 8/9


    Powerful and fast applications using modern PHP

  • Python

    Python 3.7

    Extract reports, analyse big data and perform system routines

  • Shell/Bash Scripts

    Shell/Bash Scripts

    Powerful server-side scripts and routines that supports web projects

  • Vue.Js


    Async and reactive front-end that fits with Laravel/PHP applications

  • Angular 2


    Async and reactive front-end for several web applications

  • Docker


    Solid web environments for dev/production using containers

  • Postgres


    Professional database for enterprise applications

  • RestAPI com documentação em Swagger


    APIs documentation following OpenAPI best practices



Development of websites and customized web APP

Rossi Residencial

Rossi Residencial

Improvements on browsing and real state search using geolocation. The page show banners and offers based on the users location. Additionally, it has filters to search offers by the project attributes, integration with brokers, chat system, whatsapp and an intranet for managing contacts, leads, real state enterprises, images and other management modules.

Águas Petrópolis Paulista

Águas Petrópolis Paulista

An inovating e-commerce platform by subscriptions. Customers can select the products they want to receive on a regular basis, the desired frequency, period scheduling and the platform generates the subscription automatically. A complete online store and institutional web page with a top notch UX for mobile phones and desktops.

Free Energy project by 2W Energia

Free Energy project by 2W Energia

A modern digital product for monitoring and purchasing of electric energy in Brazil. The platform, pioneer in this segment, allows the customers to simulate the benefits of migrating their energy supply to 2W Energia for the next 3, 5 or 10 years. Based on the informed monthty consumption the system calculates substantial discounts and generates comercial proposals to the users. After signing up, the platform assists the customers (and its administrators) on all migration steps, helping them to control all the operating phases at the customer's

Rossi Residencial

Improvements on browsing and real state search using geolocation. The page show banners and offers based on the users location. Additionally, it has filters to search offers by the project attributes, integration with brokers, chat system, whatsapp and an intranet for managing contacts, leads, real state enterprises, images and other management modules.

Rossi Residencial
Águas Petrópolis Paulista

Águas Petrópolis Paulista

An inovating e-commerce platform by subscriptions. Customers can select the products they want to receive on a regular basis, the desired frequency, period scheduling and the platform generates the subscription automatically. A complete online store and institutional web page with a top notch UX for mobile phones and desktops.

Free Energy project by 2W Energia

A modern digital product for monitoring and purchasing of electric energy in Brazil. The platform, pioneer in this segment, allows the customers to simulate the benefits of migrating their energy supply to 2W Energia for the next 3, 5 or 10 years. Based on the informed monthty consumption the system calculates substantial discounts and generates comercial proposals to the users. After signing up, the platform assists the customers (and its administrators) on all migration steps, helping them to control all the operating phases at the customer's

Free Energy project by 2W Energia

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